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Unconditional Self Love Is the Key

I got to do a lot of sessions today.

The first one was powerful and fun. We did lots of good work for Ginny (fake name for confidentiality) and it was her very first session with me. She was so excited she said she had trouble sleeping the night before. I was so touched by her enthusiasm. Who knew I was like a Christmas present??

When they don't have a negative entity attachment, the first thing I do is make sure they love themselves unconditionally. I can't state enough how important this is! When you truly love yourself unconditionally, then anything in your life is possible. If, however, your right brain or your subconscious doesn't agree with the statement, then you will convince yourself that the correct choice or the correct path is actually incorrect! You won't be drawn to follow your highest excitement. Your "adult" mind will kick in and say, "We can't afford that." or, "We don't have time for that." But when you love yourself unconditionally you are free! You know that everything will always work out perfectly, so every choice -- if guided by your highest excitement -- is correct!

When you truly love yourself unconditionally, then anything in your life is possible.

There's a simple activation I can do to help convince your subconscious mind of the statement, and there are multiple approaches to doing this activation. Each person can require a slightly different approach, which is why this one isn't as effective as a group activation as many of my others are.

Ginny was really suffering from over-empathy. So many are. When we are powerful empaths, we take on the suffering of others -- as if we didn't have enough already! She was completely perplexed by the victims of abuse, rape, and torture, and just couldn't understand why this happened in our world at all.

This one is very difficult to understand, but it can be grasped. It's the core of my talk The FInal Lesson, and to put it simply, all experiences are valid Source experiences. We, as Source, have decided to experience as much as possible. JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT. And that includes the rapist and the victim. That includes the abuser and the abused. The torturer and the tortured. This has happened throughout history and it continues to happen today. To accept this as a desired experience is extremely difficult and counter-intuitive. We want to reach out and rescue those who are suffering in this way. And that rescue would also be a valid Source experience. Because absolutely everything is.

That doesn't mean it feels good to be abused or tortured. Far from it! But we are still bringing that suffering to Source as more opportunity for more experiences. And then, when we die, and we wake up from this dream that we call reality, there will be this moment of realization and separation from what we just lived through. We'll be bathed in unconditional love, and the suffering we JUST experienced will fade quickly and we'll say, "Wow. That was intense. Let's do it again!"

And then, when we die, and we wake up from this dream that we call reality, there will be this moment of realization and separation from what we just lived through, and we'll say, "Wow. That was intense. Let's do it again!"

Ginny did not accept this explanation at first, but I continued to explain, express, and communicate. I saw it happen. Her face went from furrowed to soft. She got it. And she said as much. The long explanation was what her left brain needed to stop suffering for others so much. We coupled this with an activation to release this stored trauma which had manifested as pain in her lower back.

Ellyna Janell is a young, up-and-coming psychic reader who has been a joy to work with over the past year.

My second session was for Ellyna Janell, a psychic reader I met at the Awake and Empowered Expo in 2018. (She gave me permission to discuss her session.) She wanted to enhance her gifts, so we attacked it like so:

  1. Raised her vibration - I can do an activation that intensely raises your vibration. It needs to be re-listened to over time to really have a long-term cumulative effect, but it works immediately and can give quite the boost.

  2. Awakened the chakras above her crown. She expressed that when I activated the Halo chakra she could instantly feel a connection with our dogs. It makes sense because this chakra is often thought to allow better communication with terrestrial animals and animal spirits. She also saw familiar visions on the 12th and 13th chakras that brought more clarity than she had experienced before.

  3. Though I didn't for Ellyna, I often give specifically-targeted activations to enhance particular gifts that someone wants to see heightened.

And finally, I did a heartbreak negative signature removal activation for a friend of mine who was suffering from an unrequited love situation. In this case the physiological manifestation was positioned exactly in her heart. When I removed the negative signature, I could see there was a piece missing from her heart energetically, so I replaced it with a new puzzle piece. This puzzle piece contained in it a pure and unconditional love for self. A love so strong, that she wouldn't need anything or anyone because she would always have herself.

Only then can we truly love someone else -- because we will have lost all selfishness.

Quite a day! A good one for sessions because Sedona suffered from a heavy downpour and cold temperatures the entire day. While I was at the Whole Foods coffee and juice bar, I heard people talking about how unusual this weather was! Some called it winter. Some claimed that it never happens. Well, it happened, and I enjoyed the sound of raindrops on my roof throughout!

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