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Writer's pictureXane Daniel

I'm Writing a Manual for a Utopian Society

One last weekend in San Diego for my friend Norma's birthday, and a night out with a friend on Monday before I head north to Los Angeles to visit many friends in that area and pursue opportunities for RIGHTEOUS.

I've enjoyed San Diego, but I've not felt compelled to set up a speaking engagement. This year is already different for me. I find myself working on a project behind-the-scenes that will be revealed soon, but it will essentially be an online class filled with insights and activations for all those in attendance. Lots of work to be done, but I'm excited about it!

In the meantime, Joseba, Gab, Robert, Jaymes, Neal and I have finished another chapter of RIGHTEOUS! You can now download chapter 13 on our website. This Chapter sees Daniel and James Vonner meeting up for the first time, plus a serious conversation between James and Diane and more debate about how Benefaction NPO can save the world with their contagious enlightenment.

Chapter 14 is fully illustrated but needs colored and lettered. Meanwhile, Chapter 15 has just begun being illustrated by Joseba. I've also finished writing the first draft of chapter 16 and I'm more than halfway through chapter 17. I had a great meeting with Michelle Belmont in San Diego near Christmas, and our brainstorm session helped me break through some writers block I was experiencing! So now I'm free to finish writing the entire series!! Many chapters to go! Many lives to save. Many people to enlighten. A society and planet to shift fully into the 5th dimension! MORE TO COME!

If you haven't heard me say this, the purpose of the comic book series is vast. Not only has it been written to be a catalyst to enlightenment for the mainstream (and we already have proof of success) but it's also an instruction manual on how to achieve a Utopian society. All you have to do is be open enough to the possibility! And if you are reading this blog post, you already are!

The book starts off innocently enough. A being of light visits our main character and touches him on the forehead -- changing him so he can only help others instead of being greedy. Simple, right? However, the story ramps to epic proportions as enlightenment is contagious, spreading any time a character performs a good deed! When a handful of characters realize what's happening, they step up to help usher in an entirely new paradigm thanks to the spreading enlightenment!

My second Innerverse Podcast interview with Chance Garton was posted this week! We talk about manifestation, being unflappable, Akashic records, potential TV adaptation of RIGHTEOUS, the Final Lesson, perfection, and Earth's magnetic fields and their influence on humans. Check it out here!

I also had some great sessions this week. One of which I've already received some touching remarks in an email. Please remember that if you ever get a session from me, it means the world to me to hear how you are doing as a result. So please stay in touch!

Remember: You've never made a mistake in your entire life. Everything you've ever done has been perfect... it's gotten you to exactly where you are RIGHT NOW. So congratulations! You did it. And you'll never make mistake moving forward, either. You'll always choose the correct path to get you right where you are supposed to be. So release that STRESS over your decision-making process! You can do no wrong!! And just relax and follow your passions to be led through a synchronistic life path.

I love you unconditionally.

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